What you accomplish now is a result of small businesses that you do constantly. Success is not something that fell away. If you believe in the purpose and your path, then you must have the perseverance to keep trying. Perseverance is your ability to survive amid the pressures and difficulties. You should still take the next step. Do not just stop at the first step. Indeed, the farther you go, the more obstacles. Imagine, if only yesterday you quit, then you will not be here now. Every step to increase your self worth. Whatever you do, do not lose your patience. Due diligence is your endurance.
Adage says that thousands of miles begins with one step in step. A big step actually consists of many small steps. And the first step of success should you start from your home. Your house is best to your heart. That is the best place to start and to return. Therefore, start your progress with advancing your heart, then your mind and your efforts. Perseverance comes when what you are doing is really coming from your heart.
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